Health Services

Katelyn Anglea is the school's nurse. She not only is trained in helping students who are sick or injured, she also assists with screening tests, dispensing medications, and providing information to students, parents, and staff members. To speak with Mrs. Anglea, you may call 775-8948. Health forms you may need can be downloaded from the MSS Health Office page.

Mrs. Cotter is our Attendance and Health Office Secretary. If a child is going to be tardy or absent we ask that Mrs. Cotter is called at 603-775-8954 prior to 8:25.
Main Street School Illness Procedures
In order to keep our school healthy we ask that you keep your child home if they are not feeling well. Student's must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school without the use of fever reducing medications. If your student has symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, or body aches) we ask that they are tested before returning to school. Please see below for our COVID-19 Guidelines. Students who are returning to school after an illness should be well enough to participate in a full day of school and be back to their normal eating and sleeping habits. Please reach out to our nurse, Katelyn Anglea, with any questions regarding student illnesses at 603-775-8948 or
Health Services Links
- SAU 16 Health Services
- Tickborn Disease Information
- Enterovirus Info for Parents
- Head Lice Fact Sheets
- From the Desk of the NH Fire Marshall
2022 COVID-19 Guidelines
Please see attached NH DHHS and CDC COVID-19 Guidelines.